Whilst the project is still at an early stage of development, we are already thinking how best to ensure delivery is controlled and carefully adheres to the principles we have set, if the Estate is fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to build Heronby. To this end, the Estate will draw up a number of mechanisms and controls to maintain quality and ensure that Heronby will be built according to its vision and in line with the masterplan.
A system of design codes will be used to ensure that each phase of Heronby is built to the required quality and consistency, providing a framework to ensure that the settlement is developed in accordance with the agreed vision.
The design codes will also give certainty to the local planning authority and community over the nature of the development that will be delivered at Heronby.
The development of non-residential components will be subject to the same quality-control mechanisms. In key areas, such as the centre, the Estate wishes to explore the potential to build and own the non-residential elements itself to ensure they are delivered to the right standards at the right time.
During the delivery phase, working groups will be established, to provide regular progress updates and input into the delivery of Heronby. These might include:
A group comprising Escrick Park Estate and Local and Parish Councils, which will monitor planning applications, the process of delivery on site, and occupation of dwellings as they are completed.
A further project group, formed of the Estate, housebuilders and other contractors, to ensure control over the quality of construction.
Other topic-based Steering Groups, formed from time to time to deal with matters such as education, transport, and parks and open space, for example.
Escrick Park Estate wants to ensure not only that Heronby is built to a high standard, but that this quality is safeguarded in perpetuity through mechanisms of stewardship. To this end, it will establish an Estate and Community stewardship body to manage many aspects of the new settlement over the long term. It will have a clear mandate to promote sustainable lifestyles, support the growth of the local economy, and nurture community development.
Established early in the development process, this group will provide focus for the new community and will be directly accountable to residents and businesses on site.
Escrick Park Estate will continue to engage with Selby District Council during the period to the adoption of the Local Plan, to ensure that it provides a reasonable proportion of affordable homes at Heronby, which will align with the requirements of the emerging Local Plan.